Use this to send free sms to Indonesia. Also do not forget to try our NEW FREE MMS to Indonesia Service. Do not forget to provide feedback on our service here.
Here is the complete list of mobile service providers for Indonesia with mobile codes. Select the exact provider with appropriate mobile code and enter only the 10 digit mobile number (include the mobile codes (81x, 83x, 85x, 879, 88x, or 89x) in the box provided below)
Indonesia Free SMS CDMA Mobile Codes:
PT Mobile8 (Fren) : 0888-XXXX-XXXX (10 digits)
PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Ceria) : 0828-xxxx-xxxx (10 digits)
PT. Sinar Mas (Smart): 0881-xxxx-xxx (10 digits)
Indonesia Free SMS GSM Mobile Codes:
PT Indosat: Matrix, Mentari, IM3 prefix: 0814 (Matrix 3G), 0815 (Mentari or Matrix), 0816 (Mentari or Matrix), 0855 (Matrix 0855 or Matrix Auto or IM3), 0856 (IM3 National), 0857 (IM3 East Java), and 0858 (Mentari East Java). (10 digits)
PT Telkomsel: kartuHALO, simPATI, kartu As prefix: 0811 (kartuHALO or HaloHybrid or simPATI), 0812 (kartuHALO or simPATI), 0813 (kartuHALO or simPATI), and 0852 (kartu As). (10 digits)
PT Excelcomindo (XL): Xplor, Bebas, Jempol, Jimat prefix: 0817, 0818, 0819, 0859 and 0878. (10 digits)
PT Natrindo Telepon Selular Lippo Telecom, NTS prefix:0831 (Lippo Telecom), 0838 (NTS/AXIS) (10 digits)
PT Hutchison CP Telecommunications (3) prefix: 0899, 0898 (10 digits)
Indonesia Free SMS Satellite Phones Codes
PT Indosat: Inmarsat (814,815,816,855,856,857,858).
PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara: Byru, prefix: 0868
Also check out this new free SMS to Indonesia below where you do not need to select the Indonesia mobile service providers. You only need to enter the Indonesia mobile number with Indonesia mobile code.
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